Sunday, April 27, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

In this movie, Al Gore was trying to show the people around the world what is happening. He showed the people a problem that most of them know about and that is, global warming. Most people are aware of global warming but they don’t know the effects that this issue may cause. Al Gore says that if we don't act or do something about this problem, it will have severe consequences.

My first reaction was is that I was shocked from what I have heard. It was an eye opening truth. The way that Al Gore presented the problem was amazing. He made me see the world in a different view. Amazing!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


One of the biggest problems that people around the world face nowadays is global warming. It is becoming bigger and bigger every single day because the increases of the average temperature of the Earth. It is reaching unnatural levels which will cause many problems and disaster for humanity and the wild life. The UAE is one of the countries that is participating to reduce the effects of global warming by using new technologies such as petrol with less carbon and building new cities with zero carbon like Masder city. In my project I'm going to do researches on global warming and I have decided to focus on critical thinking to get good ideas and the best solutions.

Critical Thinking

This is a PowerPoint which shows us the summery of the Critical Thinking and i hope you enjoy it.