Thursday, May 15, 2008

What Should Abu Dhabi do to raise the awareness among people?

Every city in the world must have something to do with global warming either in a good helpful way or in a bad destructive way.Abu Dhabi has to do something in order to decrease their gigantic carbon foot print. One of the ways is to raise the awareness within the people.To raise the awareness in the city , Abu Dhabi should do the following:
  • Advertise about the effects and causes of global warming.

  • Publish it in newspapers and magazine and to disuses the effects and causes of global warming.

  • Make programs on TV and radio that talks about global warming which provide alternative reasonable solutions that can be applied by the common people.

  • Interview people who can do sessions and seminars to talk about global warming

  • Put posters on bill board and on the street to remind people of global warming

  • Publish flayers every where even in kids book to show what global warming may do to our world

By appling those tips, the awareness will hopfully increase within the common people.

Why Is It Called An Inconvenient Truth ..?

its called an inconvenient truth, because it is not easy and conveient for people to change how they live from confortable life to hard life.

Global Warming Video

This is our global warming video , Me and my friend Obaid worked on it , i hope that you will enjoy it...

Click on the link to download it.