Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Profile

Hi everybody, my name is Nasser Abdul Rahman Yousef Al Hammadi. I was born in the United Arab Emirates. To be more specific, I was born in Sharjah. I was born on the 18th of June 1988 which means that I am 19 years old now. I am going to write to you my good friends my profile or you can say, a look at my past, a moment in my present and a vision to my future. As a child, I had a normal and a wonderful childhood.

I was born in Shrjah as I mentioned before. My father was working in Qatar before coming to the UAE. He had his own business; he had shops all over Qatar that specialized in carpentry. My mother is from Qatar. They got married there. My mother gave birth to my two older brothers, Mohammed and Jasem. They had a very simple life which was suitable for them in those days. After a few years of there marriage, my father sold all his shops to my uncle and moved out from Qatar to the United Arab Emirates because life in the UAE was blooming and getting better thanks to the oil. They settled in Sharjah the beginning. In Sharjah, my mother gave birth to my brothers and me. Yousef, Rashed and me, Nasser. We stayed there for nearly ten years. Then again, my father decided to move but this time, not to another country but to a near place, we moved to the capital city, Abu Dhabi. As you have noticed. We are six brothers. Mohammed, Jasem, Yousef, Rashid and me. Mohammed is the educated one. He has his own library in his house; he had traveled to many countries like the USA where he finished his higher education. Other than traveling to the USA, he went Japan, India, Australia, and Europe. Jasem is the "solution" guy. He comes up with most of the solutions in the family. He is now happily married and has a beautiful girl named Hissa who have I adore and love Yousef is next. Yousef is a very practical man, I learnt from him almost every time in how to face life in practical ways Yousef is currently studying in the HCT in the Engineering Department. He graduated from HD with honors. He was on the list of the best 25 students at in HCT. He gave the graduation speech on behalf of the ADMC students. He is now continuing his studies to get the bachelor degree.. Finally is Rashed, Rashid is the closest to me of them all. I don’t know why, maybe because of the age difference which is only two years. He in the friend more than a brother. I tell him nearly everything that is going on in my life. He is studying in the HCT too in the IT department and he is graduating this summer, hopefully. I remember one time I was with Rashid on top of the house where we can see people passing by. We had water balloons made so that we can throw at people. I remember holding a balloon and throwing it at on an Indian guy. He got so mad that he came upstairs chasing us. When my father found out, he called in front of the guy and beat us so that we won't do it again. As a lesson, he took us to the bathroom and hosed us with water, I remember that he was saying, feel what are you doing to other people. I was freezing. After this incident, I promised not to do it again.

Before going to school. I remember that I helped my mother every day in cleaning the house after all my brothers and father went to work and school. She was amazed that a tiny person did all this work alone. In those days we didn't have a maid and mother had to do all the work on her own. When I saw her like that, I fell sorry for her so that is when I decided to help out in the house. I cleaned the rooms and helped my mother get the groceries. I was a good child. I started school when I was four years old. I went to school immediately. I didn't go to kinder garden. I used to cry all the time because you know how it is school, you don't know anybody there. So, after a few crying days, I met a friend there, His name was Saeed. He made the transition on me very easy. I remember I had in my class, a boy that was named Salem. Salem was a very naughty boy. Every teacher that taught us complained that he never listened or attended classes. One time, he hid a fire cracker in the teacher is desk before coming, and when the teacher came, he light it and it blew on the teacher's lap. All the class was suspended for three days. And I had no fault in that!

My studying years in high school were ordinary and I passed with flying colors. The image that I gave to my family as a student was bad! They all thought that I couldn't even pass high school. I dared them that I holed up pass. So, I studied very hard for one month before the exams. I used stay all night studying, When they results came, nobody believed that I scored 88% while I even couldn't even score above than 70% before. I was shocked. I didn't expect this mark; I expected something lower but horeeeey! I remember that Jasem said that maybe they made a mistake and gave me another student's grades. As a present for my accomplishment, they bought me a car which was a Nissan Murano.

I have traveled to many places in the world. I went to all of the GCC countries, Egypt Turkey, and Malaysia. My favorite trip was with my family to Oman. We went there by cars. On the road we saw a lot of beautiful sights and the weather was spectacular. We had a lot of fun there.

In my free time I love to play videogames on my amazing play station 3. I play most of the time with my brothers. I remember that once, I was playing with Yousef a soccer game. The thing about Yousef is that he takes it very personally. We had a match and I beat him in it. He got so angry that he threw the joystick at me and stormed out. The look one his face out that time was worth a thousand words. It was very funny.

If I had the chance, I would love to continue my studies and get
a PHD. My favorite film that I've seen is "The pursuit Of Happiness". This movie moved me a lot and I really enjoyed watching it. I believe that with hard work, and a good supporting foundation, you can reach the sky of dreams and expectations.

I heard that one person can change your life and from one incident, that person can change you from the inside. I have met people in my life and met many people with different types of personalities. But there is a type of person who is rare nowadays. I see that those people are different from then the others in many things such as kindness, honesty and will put your needs before his. One of those people is my friend Obaid. I met him last year in college where we hung out nearly every day. I remember that the last semester I had two operations. One on my back and the other is in my nose. During the whole time from the minute I got admitted to the hospital till the day I got out, he stood by me. He was there more than my brothers. He also took me to every single appointment to the hospital. For Either my nose and my back. Many of my old friends knew about the operation but they didn't bother to ask about me or even pick up the phone and write a message. They say you know your true friends in situations. I was disappointed. But the good thing is that I knew a real friend in all of this, He was Obaid and this is a drop in a sea of incidents that really shows that he is a real friend. If one day, I lost all my friends, I won't be sad as much as If I lost Obaid.

In the future, I want to finish my higher education and work in a good position where I can be my aim boss and start my own business like my father. I hope that I will get married to honest and decent girl. If I could change something in the UAE, I would change traffic jams because honestly, the condition here is getting worse and worse.

In conclusion, I want to thank all who took moments from their lives to read about mine