Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Profile

Hi everybody, my name is Nasser Abdul Rahman Yousef Al Hammadi. I was born in the United Arab Emirates. To be more specific, I was born in Sharjah. I was born on the 18th of June 1988 which means that I am 19 years old now. I am going to write to you my good friends my profile or you can say, a look at my past, a moment in my present and a vision to my future. As a child, I had a normal and a wonderful childhood.

I was born in Shrjah as I mentioned before. My father was working in Qatar before coming to the UAE. He had his own business; he had shops all over Qatar that specialized in carpentry. My mother is from Qatar. They got married there. My mother gave birth to my two older brothers, Mohammed and Jasem. They had a very simple life which was suitable for them in those days. After a few years of there marriage, my father sold all his shops to my uncle and moved out from Qatar to the United Arab Emirates because life in the UAE was blooming and getting better thanks to the oil. They settled in Sharjah the beginning. In Sharjah, my mother gave birth to my brothers and me. Yousef, Rashed and me, Nasser. We stayed there for nearly ten years. Then again, my father decided to move but this time, not to another country but to a near place, we moved to the capital city, Abu Dhabi. As you have noticed. We are six brothers. Mohammed, Jasem, Yousef, Rashid and me. Mohammed is the educated one. He has his own library in his house; he had traveled to many countries like the USA where he finished his higher education. Other than traveling to the USA, he went Japan, India, Australia, and Europe. Jasem is the "solution" guy. He comes up with most of the solutions in the family. He is now happily married and has a beautiful girl named Hissa who have I adore and love Yousef is next. Yousef is a very practical man, I learnt from him almost every time in how to face life in practical ways Yousef is currently studying in the HCT in the Engineering Department. He graduated from HD with honors. He was on the list of the best 25 students at in HCT. He gave the graduation speech on behalf of the ADMC students. He is now continuing his studies to get the bachelor degree.. Finally is Rashed, Rashid is the closest to me of them all. I don’t know why, maybe because of the age difference which is only two years. He in the friend more than a brother. I tell him nearly everything that is going on in my life. He is studying in the HCT too in the IT department and he is graduating this summer, hopefully. I remember one time I was with Rashid on top of the house where we can see people passing by. We had water balloons made so that we can throw at people. I remember holding a balloon and throwing it at on an Indian guy. He got so mad that he came upstairs chasing us. When my father found out, he called in front of the guy and beat us so that we won't do it again. As a lesson, he took us to the bathroom and hosed us with water, I remember that he was saying, feel what are you doing to other people. I was freezing. After this incident, I promised not to do it again.

Before going to school. I remember that I helped my mother every day in cleaning the house after all my brothers and father went to work and school. She was amazed that a tiny person did all this work alone. In those days we didn't have a maid and mother had to do all the work on her own. When I saw her like that, I fell sorry for her so that is when I decided to help out in the house. I cleaned the rooms and helped my mother get the groceries. I was a good child. I started school when I was four years old. I went to school immediately. I didn't go to kinder garden. I used to cry all the time because you know how it is school, you don't know anybody there. So, after a few crying days, I met a friend there, His name was Saeed. He made the transition on me very easy. I remember I had in my class, a boy that was named Salem. Salem was a very naughty boy. Every teacher that taught us complained that he never listened or attended classes. One time, he hid a fire cracker in the teacher is desk before coming, and when the teacher came, he light it and it blew on the teacher's lap. All the class was suspended for three days. And I had no fault in that!

My studying years in high school were ordinary and I passed with flying colors. The image that I gave to my family as a student was bad! They all thought that I couldn't even pass high school. I dared them that I holed up pass. So, I studied very hard for one month before the exams. I used stay all night studying, When they results came, nobody believed that I scored 88% while I even couldn't even score above than 70% before. I was shocked. I didn't expect this mark; I expected something lower but horeeeey! I remember that Jasem said that maybe they made a mistake and gave me another student's grades. As a present for my accomplishment, they bought me a car which was a Nissan Murano.

I have traveled to many places in the world. I went to all of the GCC countries, Egypt Turkey, and Malaysia. My favorite trip was with my family to Oman. We went there by cars. On the road we saw a lot of beautiful sights and the weather was spectacular. We had a lot of fun there.

In my free time I love to play videogames on my amazing play station 3. I play most of the time with my brothers. I remember that once, I was playing with Yousef a soccer game. The thing about Yousef is that he takes it very personally. We had a match and I beat him in it. He got so angry that he threw the joystick at me and stormed out. The look one his face out that time was worth a thousand words. It was very funny.

If I had the chance, I would love to continue my studies and get
a PHD. My favorite film that I've seen is "The pursuit Of Happiness". This movie moved me a lot and I really enjoyed watching it. I believe that with hard work, and a good supporting foundation, you can reach the sky of dreams and expectations.

I heard that one person can change your life and from one incident, that person can change you from the inside. I have met people in my life and met many people with different types of personalities. But there is a type of person who is rare nowadays. I see that those people are different from then the others in many things such as kindness, honesty and will put your needs before his. One of those people is my friend Obaid. I met him last year in college where we hung out nearly every day. I remember that the last semester I had two operations. One on my back and the other is in my nose. During the whole time from the minute I got admitted to the hospital till the day I got out, he stood by me. He was there more than my brothers. He also took me to every single appointment to the hospital. For Either my nose and my back. Many of my old friends knew about the operation but they didn't bother to ask about me or even pick up the phone and write a message. They say you know your true friends in situations. I was disappointed. But the good thing is that I knew a real friend in all of this, He was Obaid and this is a drop in a sea of incidents that really shows that he is a real friend. If one day, I lost all my friends, I won't be sad as much as If I lost Obaid.

In the future, I want to finish my higher education and work in a good position where I can be my aim boss and start my own business like my father. I hope that I will get married to honest and decent girl. If I could change something in the UAE, I would change traffic jams because honestly, the condition here is getting worse and worse.

In conclusion, I want to thank all who took moments from their lives to read about mine

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cool Cities (SDSJ)

Global warming is an issue that the entire world is considered about. Earth and environmental issues like rising in population and increasing in the amount of CO2 have happened since the start of the industrial revolution, what have been some of the problems associated with economic development. If we don’t solve the global warming problem, we will need a new planet to replace ours. If we want to live within the capacity of a single earth, we will have to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the air by one half. In Japan during the last 30 years GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has gone up double percent while energy efficiency has increased 37% percent and oil consumption has decreased 8% percent. 90% of the CO2 that are sent in the air come from the buildings and transportations like cars. Courtiers have created cities that are trying to reduce the CO2. Those cities are called cool cities. A cool city is a city that was built to reduce the CO2 emission and help with the global warming problem. It is built by JDSJ; it is a company from Japan. There are several types of transportation in the city. There is Monorail to transport people between cities, LRT, hybrid cars and solar ships inside the city. The city is divided into several zones there are business/public zone, residential zone, culture/sport zone and resort zone. There are some techniques that will reduce heat in the city like putting an abundant of trees and water, natural breezes. In the city, there are two types of buildings. The expected CO2 reductions for the two types of buildings are 80%. The overall percentage of reduction of CO2 emissions claimed in the video is 60%.

Conclusion ( The Last Post )

In this article, the author, Johann Hari says that people's actions toward global warming are useless. Actions are meant to be the small things that are supposed to decrease the CO2 emissions and eventually, reduce the global warming like switching to fluorescent light bulb, reducing the amount of travels, using alternative mean of transportations like bicycles and many more. The author states that most of the effective actions toward global warming are supposed to be from the government, not the people. As he said, the people influence is not so much, we need the government to interfere and take big actions to solve this problem. The people are important but not as the government. As people, we must support and donate to the green foundations because they are capable of doing something with the help of the government. Foundations like Green Peace or Friends of The Earth or Plane Stupid can definitely force the government to do something against this issue like what happened in London.

In my opinion, it is an interesting topic of discussion, but I disagree with the author. He says that people actions are not as effective as the government's. I think that is wrong. People can come together and cooperate with each other to reduce the CO2 level in the atmosphere. If people from China, the USA, the UAE, France and all over the world come to an agreement, we would, with out a doubt, reduce global warming. That doesn't mean that governments should stay out of it. They should do something but people can do something too.

One Planet Living

If everyone lived like an average North American we would need 5 planets.

If everyone lived like an average European we would need 3 planets.

If everyone lived like an average Emirati we would need 7 planets.

Our global footprint grew by 150% between 1961 and 2003. It is now 25% above the planet's biological capacity to support life on earth.

The WWF has developed an initiative called One Planet Living. It has ten guiding principles.

Masdar is going to be developed using these principles:

Zero Carbon: As a result of the increasing rate of CO2, our climate is changing.
Zero Waste: Products that are thrown away creates wastes and those wastes can create disposal problems and wastes valuable resources.
Sustainable Transport: When people travel by air or car, it participates in climate change and noise pollution.
Local and Sustainable Materials: The usage of destructive resources can escalate environmental damage.

Local and sustainable food: Unknown food quality and the harms of local system are all produced by the industrial agriculture.

Sustainable Water: Because of the pollution and the disruption of hydrological cycles, local resources of fresh water are not enough.

Natural Habitats and wildlife: the over usage of natural supplies and the development of some natural locations have lost biodiversity.

Culture and heritage: As a result of globalization, local culture and heritage is being lost.

Equity and fair trade: Some people are living in poverty while some people can’t meet their basic needs.

Health and happiness: As a result of the increasing depart of wealth, health and happiness, questions are being raised.

I think that Masdar City will find difficulties in having a zero carbon.
The benefits and goals of the one planet living is:
1. “Build a world-wide network of One Planet Living Communities and other exemplary projects to demonstrate One Planet Living in action.”

2. “Establish One Planet Living Centres in each One Planet Living community as a focus for education.”

3. “Promote the imperative for One Planet Living and its guiding principles to catalyse change with governments, business and individuals

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

Nowadays people are living in this world with a comfortable life without even thinking about what they are doing to this planet. There is a very serious issue that can put an end to our world which is global warming. Global warming is measured by how big is our carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is "measure of humanity's impact on the earth's climate through activities that emit greenhouse gases". I am now living as there is 3.68 planets to live in. I'm going to talk about this problem and suggest some solutions to solve this issue.

First I will start with the problems. The First problem which is one of the main problems is that we are using things without recycling it. By not recycling, we are making bigger and bigger carbon footprint which makes global warming worst. Some items that are not recycled such as papers and plastic bottles. The second problem is that we consume petrol a lot which sends CO2 to the air. We are using petrol in many things such as cars to move from a place to another and using petrol to generate electricity for our cities. This leads to a big carbon footprint. The last problem is that we are using so much energy which can leave behind big carbon foot print.

However, there are also solutions for any problem. The first solution for this issue is to reduce energy consumption. People can reduce using cars and they can change their lifestyle and use the busses as an alternative of cars. The second solution is to use alternative sources of energy and reduce the consumption of using petrol. There are other sources of energy like solar energy and wind energy. The last possible solution is to make people know about Global warming. By using advertisement and newspaper people will be more aware about this issue and show them the bad side effects.
In conclusion we have put an end to this problem and if the people use these solutions we will avoid the bad effect of it. The solutions are easy and simple but people must cooperate to put them in actions so that they can reduce their carbon footprint.

Why I would like to live in Masdar city.

Nowadays people are searching for a place that has low emission and low pollution where they can live a healthy and a green life. One of those places that have those conditions is Masdar city which is located in Abu Dhabi. In my opinion, i would like to live in Masder city, because in this city there are no cars that sends out emission, all the city will work by using alternative energies such as solar energy and wind energy. In this city there will be zero waste and zero carbon which will make my life much healthier and better. In addition, i will be able to actually breath fresh air without having to smell smoke. If the city is built with the specifications that were said it will have. I will buy a house right now!!!

Is Abu Dhabi a Cool City?

I agree with my friend Obaid. Abu Dhabi is not yet a cool city but it is on the right track and as a proof, Abu Dhabi is pioneering a carbon free city. It is Masdar city. I think you should consider opening a store for alternatives as my friend Obaid said. It is a very good idea and will raise the awareness in the city.

American Cool Cities

There are many American cities that became "Cool Cities". I will state 10 American cities that became cool cities and what they are doing to reduce their carbon foot prints. The cities are:

1. Seattle: They reduced global warming pollution by more than 60 percent by constructing green buildings and operating alternative fuel vehicles.

2. Washington DC: DC has replaced 414 of its polluting diesel buses with buses that burn natural gases.

3. Houston: convert a substantial portion of the city of fleet of cars and trucks.

4. Marion County/Florida: they use gas-electric hybrid vehicles.

5. The city of Scottsdale: has introduced Arizona’s first green building program which helps builders and home owners learn about how to integrate energy efficiency and water saving.

6. Salt Lake City: they changed 861 traffic lights to LED light signals.

7. Colorado: is working to produce 50 percent of the city electricity with renewable energy by 2017.

8. Charlotte: they switched from a gas only Ford Taurus to a hybrid Toyota Prius or Honda Civic and that would save city taxpayers approximately $800-1200 per vehicle including over $400 in annual fuel cost.

9. Twin Falls/ Idaho: Reduce energy cost and cut pollution by increasing the energy efficiency of its 11 schools.

10. St. Paul: they use a system that uses heat drawn from a biomass-fired power plant.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What Should Abu Dhabi do to raise the awareness among people?

Every city in the world must have something to do with global warming either in a good helpful way or in a bad destructive way.Abu Dhabi has to do something in order to decrease their gigantic carbon foot print. One of the ways is to raise the awareness within the people.To raise the awareness in the city , Abu Dhabi should do the following:
  • Advertise about the effects and causes of global warming.

  • Publish it in newspapers and magazine and to disuses the effects and causes of global warming.

  • Make programs on TV and radio that talks about global warming which provide alternative reasonable solutions that can be applied by the common people.

  • Interview people who can do sessions and seminars to talk about global warming

  • Put posters on bill board and on the street to remind people of global warming

  • Publish flayers every where even in kids book to show what global warming may do to our world

By appling those tips, the awareness will hopfully increase within the common people.

Why Is It Called An Inconvenient Truth ..?

its called an inconvenient truth, because it is not easy and conveient for people to change how they live from confortable life to hard life.

Global Warming Video

This is our global warming video , Me and my friend Obaid worked on it , i hope that you will enjoy it...

Click on the link to download it.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

In this movie, Al Gore was trying to show the people around the world what is happening. He showed the people a problem that most of them know about and that is, global warming. Most people are aware of global warming but they don’t know the effects that this issue may cause. Al Gore says that if we don't act or do something about this problem, it will have severe consequences.

My first reaction was is that I was shocked from what I have heard. It was an eye opening truth. The way that Al Gore presented the problem was amazing. He made me see the world in a different view. Amazing!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


One of the biggest problems that people around the world face nowadays is global warming. It is becoming bigger and bigger every single day because the increases of the average temperature of the Earth. It is reaching unnatural levels which will cause many problems and disaster for humanity and the wild life. The UAE is one of the countries that is participating to reduce the effects of global warming by using new technologies such as petrol with less carbon and building new cities with zero carbon like Masder city. In my project I'm going to do researches on global warming and I have decided to focus on critical thinking to get good ideas and the best solutions.

Critical Thinking

This is a PowerPoint which shows us the summery of the Critical Thinking and i hope you enjoy it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Blood Diamond: the movie

The story of the movie happened in parts of Africa, diamond mining fuels civil war, killing thousands of innocents and turning children to bloody soldiers. Danny Archer, a white African soldier,turned to a diamond smuggler who gets attached to a large jewel found by Solomon Vandy, a native fisherman. Danny offers a deal: He will help Vandy find his family if Vandy will share the diamond with him. Maddy Bowen, a journalist who they met during this chaos, agrees to help if Danny will tell her the details of how conflict diamonds are handed to the corporations who sell them to the world. Danny ends up doing the good thing instead of his personal greed he was perusing. In the end, Danny had sacrificed his own life to a good cause, which was reuniting a man with his family forgetting all his desires and wants. Maddy, helped to unveil the truth about the organizations that uses conflict diamonds with the help of Solomon. About Solomon, he moved his life from the destruction that was in Africa to London.
My reaction about the movie that it was a very interesting and useful movie. I didn’t know that Africa suffers a lot because of a material thing like diamonds. In my opinion, the actors have played the part very well and the proof is that some of the cast got nominated to an Oscar. What I didn't like about the movie is the ending, they shouldn't have killed Danny. A part of that, the movie was amazing. I really enjoyed watching. We should do that more often.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008



Lebanon is one of the most beautiful countries in the world because it combines between the natural areas with big and modern cities like Beirut. From geographic map Lebanon is surrounded by many countries. From the south Israel and Jordon, from the west Cyprus, from the north Turkey and from the east Syria. Lebanon is the link between Asia and Africa. Lebanon has suffered from many wars.

Modern History

From1943 to 1948, a lot of events and catastrophic events had happened in Lebanon. In 1943, Lebanon had gotten its freedom from its invader country, the France but something was wrong. Christians ruled most of the country and the Muslims that lived there had little power which was the spark that led to increase the tension between the Muslims and Christians. Another factor was the refugees that came from Palestine due to the Israeli war. The tension reached its peak in 1975 when the Christians killed a bus that was full of Palestinians refugees. As a result of that, the tension escalated between those two groups, there was absolute chaos. Massacres had happened and trust between the Muslims and Christians had collapsed. In addition, the Israeli army invaded Beirut killing nearly 20,000 people and that was in 1982. At last, in 1989, a peace deal reached. The wars and the massacres had cost the country a lot. Nearly 200,000 people had died, and nearly a quarter left the country. As for the economic, it was paralyzed. Now days, Lebanon is the one of the tourism targets in the Middle East.

Lebanon Now

There are several good signs that indicate the recovery of the social and economic life. The nights are filled with fun again for both the youth and the elders. Restaurants and several shopping malls have been built. The most important indication is that nowadays, Muslims and Christians are living in harmony which a very good thing is considering that it started the chaos. Tourists come from nearly all the world to see Lebanon's culture and sights. Despite having all those good things, there is an "ugly" side for it. Living there is considered very expensive. Plus, Lebanon has one of the highest numbers of cars in the world. That led to an "awful" traffic problems. Another problem is the air pollution

Blood Diamond

Diamonds are the most precious stone in the world. Many people in the world don’t know how they get the daemons from the earth to onto your fiancés finger. I will describe important locations along the trade rout these most valuable to rocks pass.

Nowadays the diamonds trade around the world. The biggest company of producing diamonds is De Bees Consolidated Mines LTD. They have 20 mines in South Africa and they control two thirds of the diamonds on the world by restricted the amount of diamonds on the market. Belgium to be specific Antwerp is the city which has been a diamond center for six centuries and the most people how associated with the diamonds trade is the Indians and Lebanese. Today the polisher and cutter are about 1500 in the city and by 80% of the world rough diamonds pass through the city. In India 90% of the world rough diamonds are cut and polished and the Indian workers are getting 40 cent per finished gem. The rough diamonds come from South Africa and Belgium. Dubai is nowadays growing reputation as a diamonds hub by help the diamonds traders free them from the tax which makes the business worth £1 billion. One of the pop star how like the diamonds is 50 cents.

In conclusion the diamonds nowadays are very famous and the business in this subject is getting money.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Elephants Culling

In this article, the author discusses an issue that is in S.Africa. Nowadays, S. Africa is culling the elephants. The reason for that decision is because the population of the elephants has grown from eight thousands to eighteen thousands. "People living close to elephants complained that elephants are dangerous, eat crops and compete with people for water". This decision was the last resort for the government and they are aware that by this decision, they will anger many animal right campaigners. It may sound awful, but this is the last resort that the government is doing.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Fav Pic

My best picture is my car nissan murano, after i improve it a little

So tell me , what do you think? ^_^

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Trip to the Future

Last week on Wednesday I went to the Emirates Palace with my class mates and our instructor Frankie. We went there to see the Masdar Zero-Carbon city model, Saadiyat Island model and the Arts of Islam.

The first thing that we did there when we arrived is waiting in the lobby for the rest of the students. Masdar Zero-Carbon city model. My first impression was that it was big and advanced. There were lights that showed us the places and the locations of the facilitates like mosques, hotels, universities, and the method of transportation in the model. My favorite thing in the model was the style of the buildings; the buildings were very artistic and creative. Another thing that I liked about the model was the method of transportation. People will actually have to move and walk from one place to another rather than using cars. The most impressive thing about this project is that there will be Zero carbon, and zero waste.

After seeing the Masdar city model, we went to see Saadiyat island model. To be honest, when I saw the model, I was shocked because it was gigantic and unique. This project has many new and advanced facilities the will put UAE, Abu Dhabi to be specific, in the spotlight. Having a lot of known museums like the Louver, and the Nottingham. I was amazed when our instructor, Frankie, told us that there is going to be an entertaining center where big artists and performers will come and perform. This island will be for tourism. I loved the designs of the buildings because they were unique.

Later on, we went the Art of Islam; I really loved everything in it. I loved the armory there. There were swords, knives, and daggers. Over all, I loved the gallery.
In conclusion, I enjoyed the trip because Frankie explained while we saw. I t was very educating and enjoying