Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

Nowadays people are living in this world with a comfortable life without even thinking about what they are doing to this planet. There is a very serious issue that can put an end to our world which is global warming. Global warming is measured by how big is our carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is "measure of humanity's impact on the earth's climate through activities that emit greenhouse gases". I am now living as there is 3.68 planets to live in. I'm going to talk about this problem and suggest some solutions to solve this issue.

First I will start with the problems. The First problem which is one of the main problems is that we are using things without recycling it. By not recycling, we are making bigger and bigger carbon footprint which makes global warming worst. Some items that are not recycled such as papers and plastic bottles. The second problem is that we consume petrol a lot which sends CO2 to the air. We are using petrol in many things such as cars to move from a place to another and using petrol to generate electricity for our cities. This leads to a big carbon footprint. The last problem is that we are using so much energy which can leave behind big carbon foot print.

However, there are also solutions for any problem. The first solution for this issue is to reduce energy consumption. People can reduce using cars and they can change their lifestyle and use the busses as an alternative of cars. The second solution is to use alternative sources of energy and reduce the consumption of using petrol. There are other sources of energy like solar energy and wind energy. The last possible solution is to make people know about Global warming. By using advertisement and newspaper people will be more aware about this issue and show them the bad side effects.
In conclusion we have put an end to this problem and if the people use these solutions we will avoid the bad effect of it. The solutions are easy and simple but people must cooperate to put them in actions so that they can reduce their carbon footprint.

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