Thursday, June 5, 2008

Conclusion ( The Last Post )

In this article, the author, Johann Hari says that people's actions toward global warming are useless. Actions are meant to be the small things that are supposed to decrease the CO2 emissions and eventually, reduce the global warming like switching to fluorescent light bulb, reducing the amount of travels, using alternative mean of transportations like bicycles and many more. The author states that most of the effective actions toward global warming are supposed to be from the government, not the people. As he said, the people influence is not so much, we need the government to interfere and take big actions to solve this problem. The people are important but not as the government. As people, we must support and donate to the green foundations because they are capable of doing something with the help of the government. Foundations like Green Peace or Friends of The Earth or Plane Stupid can definitely force the government to do something against this issue like what happened in London.

In my opinion, it is an interesting topic of discussion, but I disagree with the author. He says that people actions are not as effective as the government's. I think that is wrong. People can come together and cooperate with each other to reduce the CO2 level in the atmosphere. If people from China, the USA, the UAE, France and all over the world come to an agreement, we would, with out a doubt, reduce global warming. That doesn't mean that governments should stay out of it. They should do something but people can do something too.

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